Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Sunday Walk

Sunday was such a beautiful sunny day that I suggested we eat dinner (what I call Sunday lunch) on the back porch.  We didn't talk much because we didn't want to wake up the Triplets and make them bark at us!  After dinner I still hadn't soaked up enough of the beautiful day, so I suggested we take a walk around the property.  We took a couple of buckets along in case we found any acorns for the pigs since we've used up almost all the ones outside the back door.

The sun went behind the clouds for a few minutes, but not for long.

By the time we finished our walk, these two buckets were full--two days' worth of pig food!

 Up in our 8-acres of woods which I hope to use for pigs some day . . .

Hero comes running when his Daddy calls.
 I call this "The Kissing Tree."  Someone told me that sometimes Native Americans fastened trees together like this or bent them in odd shapes as road signs to each other.  I wish the tree could talk!

Update:  Mountain Stewards is in the process of documenting trail trees, many of which exist in  Northwest Georgia.  You can submit a photo of a tree to see if it might be a trail tree.
Hero and Misty romping.

 Hero's so fast that Misty can only catch him when he's ready to wrestle again.

 Sara's expression completely cracks me up!  I'll sure miss her when she's gone, and I'm so glad we're keeping her for this next calf.

Setting sun and fall leaves--a marvelous combination!


  1. I know how you feel Susan, we have several trees on and around our property that I know marked something for the Native Americans but I REALLY wish I knew what. I have heard stories and can make guesses but I guess we will never really know.

  2. I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with that, Jyl, but what wouldn't we give if those trees could talk!

  3. I just discovered your blog and love it - beautiful pics too! We close on our property 11/16 and can't wait to start living the life.

  4. Thanks so much, Delanie! Welcome to Zephyr Hill Farm and welcome to farming! No wonder you're excited! I'd love to hear about your farm and your plans. The funny thing is, our only plans were to move here with our one dog, have my two horses on our own property, start a garden and maybe get a few chickens. Today we have three dogs, three foster dogs, two horses, a pony, three Dexter cattle, two calves on the way, two pigs, six ducks, eleven chickens, a garden and an orchard! Farming is contagious!

  5. I remember you showing me that tree and I was intrigued by it as that bit of history trivia was new to me-- just looked it up on the internet and apparently there is quite a bit of stuff out there on the "trail trees". I just scanned the articles quickly so don't know if they interpret the tree shapes or not. Barbara

  6. Thanks, Barbara! From your link I found a website where I was able to submit a photo of our tree to see if it might be a Native American trail tree. It would make sense, with that old cabin that could possibly be Cherokee so near by. So far all the ones I've seen in photos are bent over, not doubled like ours, but we'll see . . .

  7. You sure have a pretty farm there Susan, fall looks great in Georgia. That's interesting about the trail trees, I hadn't heard about that before. I wonder if that was something the tribe of Indians did in your neck of the woods or if they did it all over the country. I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks, Gordon. We really love our place. It's small enough for us to manage, but big enough for everything we want to do, and the beauty of it is the first thing that drew us to it--before we even had a plan! :) Yes, we did it backwards!

    I believe the trail trees are all over at least the eastern part of the US. I went back and updated the post with a link by that picture if you want to start there researching them.


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