Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fun! Fun! Fun!

I got my Mother's Day present today, and have I been having fun!  Take a look . . .
The first four pictures were taken with me standing in the exact same spot.  Pictures one and two are with my new 55-200mm telephoto lens, showing its full range from farthest zoom to widest angle.

Pictures three and four are taken with my 18-55mm wide angle lens, from farthest to widest.  (Of course, photos number two and three are basically the same view, both being taken at 55mm.)
I have wanted a telephoto lens for years, and I'm going to have SO much fun with this one!  Wanna see what I can do with my lens lying down on the ground?
I can shoot standing up, too!  I can take butt shots and muscle shots!
I can take head shots . . .
. . . and knuckle-head shots!  (This is Brandy being musical, running her teeth back and forth along the rusty gate!)

And between both my lenses, I can shoot near and far and in between!
I'm going to just plain have fun!  Thank you, Darling!


  1. impressionnant !!!
    effectivement tu vas bien t'amuser.... et nous on va voir de belles photos.

  2. Je m'impatiente de voir Charis ce soir et de mettre mon appareil en action! :)

  3. Really neat--looks like you have been "horsin" around with your new lens! Great pics!

  4. Yep! The horses are a never-ending source of fun!


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