Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cutting Up

Kara helped me make another dream come true today!  She rode Angel and came with Brandy and me on a nice long trail ride in the hunting preserve.  We rode for almost an hour and a half, almost exclusively at a walk.  Brandy was quite a trouper, curious and eager.  There were a couple times when Angel balked at going forward, but Brandy went ahead.  There were trees down across the road in two places, and Brandy readily followed Angel over them.  Kara and I were having so much fun, I'm afraid we overdid it a bit for Brandy, since her only other trail ride was a mere half hour on a cooler day.  She was pretty droopy towards the end, getting cross and putting her ears back at Hero.  I figured that meant she'd had enough, so I walked the last part and led her.  We were all hot and sweaty when we got back!
Like all good riders, we took care of our horses first!  They got walked till they were cool, then got nice cool showers.  Then they got scraped to get the water off and walked again before I took them down to the pasture.  By then Kara and I were both sweatier and dirtier than the horses!
Meanwhile, while Kara and I were working hard, Herb was off playing with the tractor and just generally cutting up!  Some people have no work ethic!  :)

Actually, he spent 5 hours bush-hogging and finished the back pasture and the bottom part of Kara's hill below her fence!  He may have just been cutting up, but I can't fault his work ethic!

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