Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time with Sage

Almost a month ago, I wrote about 1163 Mary Street, a house I lived in 50 years ago and how trying to look at it on google led me to Sage Dawson, an artist who has used the house as a subject for her art.  This weekend Sage came to visit!  It was an exciting occasion for both of us.  We spent several hours talking over my memories of the house and looking at photos Sage has taken of the inside of the house.  I am fascinated with the way she thinks about places that are lost and overlooked and how that affects society in general, as well as the people whose lives were intertwined with those places.  She has definitely got me thinking about things I never thought of before!

We had a great visit and packed a lot into less than 24 hours.  Besides recording my memories of the house, we went with Herb to fetch the horses and feed the animals and picked fresh peas and berries in the garden.  Kara showed Sage her portfolio from this past semester, and Sage presented me with an original print she made of the house at 1163 Mary Street.  This is a gift I will always treasure!

Many of my memories are lost in the fogginess of my little-girl recollection and the house's history remains mostly obscure, but an old abandoned house has brought two new friends together.  That has to count for something!

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