Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.
Showing posts with label Rambo and Obaama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rambo and Obaama. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking Back on 2013

This post is about a week late, but we were enjoying lots of company around Christmas and New Year's so I'm just now catching up, while it's 15° outside.  I've just been looking back over the past year to tally up our "Losses" and "Gains" and see how the year turned out.  They are listed in approximately chronological order.

Losses and Good-byes

1)  Shemar Moore, rooster with a Criminal Mind, ended up as coq au vin after attacking Kara.

Ghandi, the peaceful Light Brahma rooster, might call this a gain!  So might Herb and Kara who ate the coq au vin.

2)  Hail damage to our roof.  This ended up being a definite gain since our insurance paid for a new roof.

 3)  Five guinea hens and three turkeys that we tried raising.  Misty ended up killing all five guineas after confusing them with predators, we had to put down one turkey that got injured, and a fox got the other two fully-grown turkeys two days before we intended to butcher them.  There was a gain here, though, as we learned two things:  A)  No more guineas and B)  Use electrified poultry netting for turkeys.

4)  Our entire fruit crop of peaches, apples, nectarines and figs was either destroyed by insects or rot before it ever ripened.  This is a real loss, as Herb has devoted five years to his orchard.  We hope this was due to the extremely wet year and that next year we might finally get some fruit.

5)  My darling Zephyr died suddenly on June 19, a loss that can't even be compared to the others.  She was truly a dog in a million, and she is sorely missed at Zephyr Hill Farm and by all who knew her.

6)  Sara, our first Dexter, and her lovely heifer Tundra went to Kentucky to live with the family we bought Sara from.  Herb would definitely call this a gain, but I will miss Sara's personality which made her so photogenic.

7)  Ping, the lone Pekin duck we adopted when she needed a new home, was likely trampled by the commotion caused when her sheep buddies tried to steal food from our leased bull.  She was a fun and funny mascot whom we miss.  We also lost one of the Muscovy drakes in the barnyard to an unknown cause, so this was NOT the Year of the Bird around here.

8)  A truck tire slashed in our driveway one night reminded us that we live in a fallen world.  By God's grace, the malevolence that inspired this vandalism did not touch us or our animals.

9)  Monty, Jackson and Olivia, the three dogs we inherited from Herb's sister in 2011, went on to new homes.  Both Herb and I actually call this a gain, and I'm sure all three dogs would, too, as they each blossomed in their new home.  In addition, we re-gained our basement after a haz-mat cleaning and painting.

10)  Rambo and Obaama joined us and left us in the same year, and you might say they are with us still--in the freezer!  That would make their loss a gain, as well as the knowledge gained:  We like pigs better than sheep, and from now on we'll buy our lambs already frozen.

11)  Kara moved to a condo in Chattanooga this past fall, and we will truly miss having her just 500 feet away at the back of the property.  We miss her company, although we still get to see her, but we know this move was a huge gain for her!

12)  Kara's house, really a double-wide trailer, was torn down after she moved to Chattanooga.  Kara definitely feels this was a gain!  I must say, we do, too, because we plan to use the space for pasture.


1)  Precipitation was over 67" for the year, compared to 33" for Seattle, WA!

2)  All that rain translated into LOTS of grass!

3)  Our third grandchild, Eden, joined the family in April.  And yes, all three kids can fit on Julie!  We've enjoyed regular baby-sitting for all three kids as well as frequent visits to the farm by Charis and Kol.

4)  Lots of visitors, both family and friends, stayed in Narnia or came to enjoy the farm.

5)  We had two calves born on the farm this year, both heifers and both easy births.  ZH Siobhan's Macree (right) was born June 5, while her niece ZH Taco's Tundra was born on July 6.

6)  We leased FF Lil' Christmas Cash, Macree's sire, for the summer to breed Siobhan again.  Cash was such a nice bull that he completely changed Herb's mind about having our own bull.

7)  Herb built a milking parlor and stanchion in the barnyard, something I had dreamed of since Siobhan was born in November 2010.

8)  Our own Dexter milk has been on the menu since August, along with yogurt, mozarella, ricotta, and farmhouse cheddar cheese.  Milking is my favorite time of the day.

9)  The Doodad, a Kubota RTV, was my birthday present this year and has become the most-used piece of equipment on the farm.

10)  Zephyrhill Jet Stream (Jet for short) joined the family this summer.  He and his sister Bonnie (Kara's puppy, who comes for regular visits) have kept things lively ever since.

11)  The house got a new roof in the fall, thanks to our good insurance company.

12)  The hay barn got new cement-fiber siding and a coat of paint front and back, along with new translucent panels to let light in the back.

13)  We had just had Kara's garage re-sided when things fell into place to have her house torn down.  We meant to save the breezeway between the garage and house, but unfortunately it "fell into place"--flat on its side!  Repairs will be forthcoming once the weather warms up.  The carport on the right of the garage is our future winter feeding area for the animals.

14)  The fall was busy with new arrivals, the first of which was Sir Loin, a Dexter steer who is now 8 months old.

15)  Right on Sir Loin's heels came Boudin, who is now close to 2 years old.  We plan to keep him until after he beefs up on spring grass so he will be a temporary resident.

16)  The final newcomer was the most exciting of the three, New Hope Ebony Belle.  Like her grandmother Sara, Ebony is homozygous A2 so she is our future milk cow.  Unlike Sara, Ebony is friendly, sweet-tempered, polled, halter-broken, has a lovely udder--and actually likes us!  Ebony came here after a game of "Musical Cows" when Sara and Tundra went to live at Ebony's old home.

17)  A solid new retaining wall around the driveway replaced the old leaning wall of railroad ties.

18)  A lovely patio now graces our back yard.  We've already grilled out there several times and will probably pretty much live there when warm weather comes!  This is the fulfillment of a five-year old wish of mine.

19)  Fencing the northern side of our property from the barn past Kara's old house was the last project of 2013 and will continue into 2014.  We'll enclose the last unfenced grazing area, giving us another pasture adjoining the barn.

20)  This is just a teaser for the last big gain of 2013:  Our new bull, Mrald Crown Royal.  He's still a baby in Washington state, just weaned from his mother, and about to embark on a journey more than halfway across the country to become our future herd sire.  Stay tuned for more developments, as we hope he'll arrive before the end of the month.

As you can see, you don't have to be a math whiz to figure out that our 2013 balance sheet shows a huge Net Gain!  We are grateful for God's many blessings throughout the year, even through trials and losses, and we rest secure in the assurance of His love and care throughout the year ahead.

May God bless each of you in 2014!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Goodbye, Rambo and Obaama

Last Tuesday we moved the trailer into the Home Pasture with the sheep.  (Technically, they're still lambs under 18 months old.)

I put a feed tub in the trailer and sprinkled some feed on the ramp.  Rambo was quite curious while Obaama was more cautious.

Rambo figured out a way to reach the feed without having to go up the ramp.

It didn't take Obaama long to brave the ramp and get his share of the feed.  It took about five minutes for them to adjust to the idea of getting fed in the trailer.  Later on, long after the feed was gone, one of them was all the way in the trailer still looking for more.
By Friday we knew we could get both sheep all the way in the trailer, so we called Triple H Meats to tell them we were coming up.  As ever, Rambo was the tough, brave one.

Obaama was still shy--he hasn't changed from the day Matt had to drag him out of his truck!  Well, he has gotten a lot bigger!

I think Misty knew something was up.  She's already seen her charges (pigs, in this case) disappear into the trailer in the pasture and never come back.  I'm sure she has no idea what's actually happening, but you can tell from her face that she knows this is goodbye.

Herb gave Rambo and Obaama a nice, smooth ride up the mountain and backed skillfully up to drop them off.  At that point they both decided they wanted to stay in the trailer, and it was all Herb could do to wrestle Rambo off while Corey and I held metal roof panels up along the side of the ramp to prevent a prison break.  Once Rambo got off the trailer, Obaama was right behind him.  We left them there looking fairly calm and relaxed.  Rambo had the last word:  "Bleah!"

I talked to the butcher today about setting aside some meat for sausages, and he said, "Those are really fine sheep!  Do you have any more?"  So Rambo and Obaama, you may not have made us love raising sheep, but you made a good impression on the butcher!  And I'll definitely miss your photogenic qualities out in the pasture!

Friday, September 13, 2013

R.I.P., Ping

We adopted Ping in May, 2011 when her owner couldn't keep her.  We called her Ping because she made a little noise that sounded like sonar, "Ping, ping, ping, ping."

In June she joined the older Muscovy ducks in the barnyard.  THEY were the ugly ducklings (although they got uglier with age).

They were fascinated with poor Ping who often found herself the center of attention.

Then in late 2011 our remaining female Muscovy duck, Jemima Puddleduck, was killed, and Ping was the lonely petunia in the onion patch--the sole female among five males.  Her life became miserable until Herb managed to catch her in May 2012, and we moved her to the Home Pasture.

In this safe refuge Ping was able to grow back her feathers and live a peaceful life.

Now Ping had a swimming pool all to herself, and she often took luxurious morning baths, preening and combing her feathers.

She still got out of the way when the pigs wanted a bath, but she found them to be good pasture mates.  She learned that such sloppy eaters tended to scatter bits that she could enjoy, and when she saw us coming with food, she would greet us with excited, loud squawking quacks.

After the pigs left, Ping's next pasture mates were Rambo and Obaama.  They weren't such good buddies when they got bigger because they tended to run right over her trying to get to their food.  But Ping stuck with them, quacking gamely for her share.  She was the mascot for a succession of animals from pigs to sheep to cattle and turkeys.

We think the drakes had injured Ping's legs because she always walked funny, even for a duck, and being run over by the sheep a couple of times didn't help.  Yesterday evening Herb found poor Ping lying dead by the pasture gate when he went out to take Misty to bed.  Our best guess is that one of the cows or sheep stepped on her and fatally injured her.

We will miss you, Ping.  We'll miss hearing your loud quack, announcing supper time to everyone; watching your graceful morning baths; and smiling at your funny waddle.  The pasture will be a much more lonely place without your presence.  Rest in peace, Ping.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shetland Sheepdogs, Meet the Sheep

Jet and Bonnie are Shetland Sheepdog puppies, or Shelties to those who love the breed.  So far they've met their new mommies, me (Susan) and Kara.  Jet has met his new daddy, Herb, and they've both met our big dogs, Hero and Misty.  The friendly turkeys wandered over to the back fence the other day and checked out the new babies, but there's a whole farm-full of animals out there that Jet and Bonnie haven't met yet.

A couple of evenings ago, Rambo and Obaama took things into their own hands hooves.

Jet was a little more curious than scared while Bonnie watched from a safer distance.  But when Hero jumped up and ran to meet Kara, everyone scattered--sheep and sheepdogs!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Family Snapshots

Here are some snapshots of our animal family from earlier this week.

We let the guinea fowl out of the brooder house on Sunday.  It took a couple hours for them to finally get over their fear and move out into the wide world!  We gave up watching long before that!
Cash surveys his little domain in the Home Pasture, while Sara grazes far away in the Lower Pasture.

After a couple of days in the chicken tractor, the turkeys enjoy their freedom.

One of the sheep gets up close and personal.

Macree loves her daddy Cash and usually stays close to him.  I guess every little girl goes through a stage as "Daddy's Girl!"

Sara and a little black dot who is Tundra enjoy their solitude.

Ping follows her new pasture-mates.

Ping has finally found someone lower on the totem pole than she is--that turkey is flapping away from Ping because she asserted her dominance over a soggy strawberry.  Misty likes to sit out near her charges, but she doesn't worry herself with their antics.

Sticking close to daddy.

The little family in the Home Pasture, right before we moved the cattle to the Far Pasture (in the distance).

The guineas have taken to roaming all around, but they seem to like to be near the turkeys, their former housemates.  The bird in front of the others got itself into the Home Pasture and couldn't figure out how to get out.  So the silly birds kept running up and down along the fence gabbling at each other until I went out in the pasture and shooed the lost bird through a gap to join its friends.

And finally, a close-up of Tundra, the newest member of the family, and mom Sara.