Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Reach Out and Touch Someone

Before we bought this place in 2008, the previous house had been destroyed by fire.  The owners put a trailer out back to live in while they were rebuilding the house, and of course they had electric and phone lines put in.  The power lines were gone before we moved here, but the phone line has remained an eyesore across the middle of our view for almost seven years.

A couple years ago, a hawk decided that the right-hand pole made a great lookout for checking out our barnyard smorgasbord.  I've made several requests over the past two years for the phone company to remove the poles and lines, but nothing came of it.  So we've continued to live with the hawk and the big black line across our view.
Imagine our surprise when the phone company recently turned up to take down the unneeded telephone poles and lines.  It looks like my efforts to "reach out and touch someone" finally paid off!  As a fringe benefit, they left the poles for us to use as fence posts.

Better yet, hey left us with a beautiful, unobstructed view!

I spared a grateful thought for the nice phone company guys as we enjoyed the sunset that evening, a sight that will really reach out and touch someone!

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