Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter Wonderland Reprise

I walked out of our bedroom this morning and saw a sight that made me RUN for my camera!

No newspaper this morning!  Luckily we have nowhere to be, so we can just soak in the beauty of God's creation.  The snow is still falling hard outside, this time as it melts in huge clumps from the trees.  So we're going to enjoy it while we can--along with our warm, lighted house and internet service.  


  1. Oh, that's soooo beautiful! ~Carrie

    1. Thank you, Carrie! Our ONE nice snow this year! :)

  2. Susan - What beautiful photographs! Makes me wish for a little snow here in Southern California. We have had 90 degree weather for a few days this week. Geez! What a wonderful wonderland, love how you have captured the snow on the trees branches.Seems so peaceful. And I think I see a little snow fairy flitting around your pictures. :) --Janell

    1. Thank you, Janell! I do love the snow, especially as little as we get here. I can't believe you having 90° weather already! And yes, I'm sure there is a snow fairy there. I'll be posting soon on my Narnia blog about a fairy treehouse I made, which I'm sure you'll love. :)


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