Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Freshest Sausage Ever!

 This is dedicated to all the meat-eaters out there who think it's horrible to butcher an animal we knew.

Fresh Sausage

Even thought it's got English subtitles (I think it's in Portuguese), be sure to turn up the volume.


  1. Funny stuff! we too raise pork and eat pork and wouldn't it be NICE if we could process it as easily as THAT guy did ?!?!

    1. No kidding, Donna, although the squealing would be a bit hard to take over and over! I guess it just shows how completely ignorant people are about where their food actually comes from and how it gets on their plate.

  2. Thanks for sharing this Susan, It was so funny, I can't believe people would actually think that he was actually grinding the little pig up right there.

    1. You're welcome for the share, Gordon. Peoples' credulity often leaves me incredulous, especially when it comes to knowing about how their food gets on their plate. We all got such a good laugh over this!

  3. I showed this to my whole family - we all laughed! And to think we always thought butchering pigs was a messy job! ;)


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