Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Budding Artists and Bouncing Babies

We had such a fun weekend with the grandkids!

On Friday we got to attend an art show at the Hunter Art Museum where Charis had attended art camp.  Kol was excited to show us the sculpture he made when he visited one afternoon.

Charis was a bit shy about modeling her artwork, but she was excited to show off some of her favorite art in the museum.  This one clearly made her imagination soar!

Eden put on several miles practicing her new walking technique.  She obviously marches to her inner drummer!

It's so refreshing to see the world through the eyes of children.  That's something you're often too busy or tired to appreciate as a parent, but getting a second chance is one of the joys of being a grandparent.  


  1. Oh wow! What amazing photos!! Can we get some of the digital copies through email? And who are these lovely model children?? I swear I think I saw them somewhere once...

    1. Sure, I'd be glad to email you some photos. My new camera takes really big files, though, so you may prefer me to transfer them directly to your computer.

      They really are beautiful children--I'll introduce you if you'd like! :)


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