Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Ketchup: March Goes Out Like a Lion

I've gotten SO far behind in my posts for a really great reason:  The weather is gorgeous and I'm outside so much!  But today is a nice rainy day with a soggy pasture that doesn't need to be driven on, so it's perfect Ketchup weather.  I'll try to make sure all the Ketchup Posts get marked with the original date the photos were taken.  And while all the photos take their time uploading, I'll be a good girl and Ketchup on housework, too.

March came in like a lamb this year with some lovely sunny days, so I guess it was natural that it turned the old adage on its head and went out like a lion!  These photos were taken March 29.

This last one was taken just a couple days earlier, so it seems there was at least a bit of the lamb left in March!


  1. I enjoyed your Ketchup posts and photos! So glad you Mustard your literary and photography skills to share these days with all of us!

    1. You are TOO funny, Barbara! You're welcome, I did it with Relish!


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