Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Wonderful Tongue

Many eons ago when I was in college, my family attended a small church that met in a chapel in a cemetery.  (Really!)  One Sunday our somewhat elderly pastor preached a sermon (on James 3:5) about the tongue.  He orated eloquently about what a marvelous member the tongue is, how it can do extraordinary things, etc., etc.  I am ashamed to say that my two sisters (one in college and one in high school) and I snickered through the entire 30-minute sermon!

In memory of the dear, innocent and godly Rev. Merle Weaver, here are some photos of Macree and Siobhan and their marvelous tongues:

"Here's Looking at You, Kid!"
 "This Goes Right Up My Nose"
 "Doing Curls"
"The Big Blue Blob"
 "Licking on the Edge"
 "Hewp, Mimmy, yer stringlin me"
"Mimmy, ge' off my lead rope, pleeze"
 "I don't know where Macree learned her manners!  She acts like she was raised in a barn!"
Yes, like mother, like daughter!  And more than one of my daughters has been known to snicker in church, too.  Is it Nature or Nurture?  Who knows?

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