Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This Is the Fence That Farmer Herb Fixed (or Kissin' Cousins, Part II)

This story is dedicated to my three dear grandchildren, Charis, Kol and Eden!

This is Macree that got into the pasture--AGAIN!

This is Siobhan that went right through the fence following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

This is the farmer that fixed the fence that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

This is the blood that the farmer shed when he fixed the fence that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

This is the frustrated pair on the other side of the fence that the farmer fixed that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

This is the bull that ignored the fence that the farmer fixed that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

(Cash proves that the old adage about making your fences "horse high, hog tight and bull strong" is a load of, well, bull!  You better make those fences mama cow strong!)

This is the Doodad that carried the barbed wire for the fence that the farmer fixed that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!  And when the farmer was done cutting brush away from the fence line, it carried away all the trimmed sumac so it wouldn't seed into the pasture AGAIN!

This is Tundra tempting Macree on the day after the farmer shed blood when he fixed the fence that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN!

This is the answer to Tundra tempting Macree on the day after the farmer shed blood when he fixed the fence that Siobhan went through following Macree into the pasture AGAIN . . .

"Sorry, something tells me I can't come play:  This is the fence that Farmer Herb fixed!"

The End
(We hope!)

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