Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dexters on the Internet

Somehow I had it stuck in my mind that Siobhan's calf is due early in April, and I was getting worried about why she isn't bigger.  So yesterday I checked her file and was reassured to find that she's due the first week in June!  That makes a huge difference!

Meanwhile, I had been looking on the internet for pictures of pregnant Dexters to compare to Siobhan, and I found some interesting videos of Dexters.

Dexter Cow Calving on Morningside Farm  This was the first one I found.  All I can say is, I hope Siobhan has that calf when I'm not around because it would be torture to see her laying there with that calf's tongue hanging out of its mouth as its nose goes in and out, in and out with contractions!  The process looks a whole lot more horrifying than it really is because the calf makes it out just fine!

Irish Dexter Cows at Stone Mountain Farm  If the music isn't your thing, you can mute it.  They have a beautiful farm and Dexters in all three colors:  black, red and dun.

ADCA Dexters   The ADCA national show and annual meeting will be in Springfield, Missouri this year.  This is an introductory video for the Dexter breed.

There are plenty more videos of Dexters, but these were some of the best I found.  If you Google "Dexter cattle" or "pregnant Dexter cow," and click on "Images," you'll even get to see some of my photos!  But don't worry, if you read this blog, you saw them first!

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