Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Capture the Moment, Change Your Perspective, Enjoy the Beauty

One thing I love about a camera is how it allows me to capture a moment forever.  Another thing I love (which I've learned from my daughter Jenny) is that a camera encourages me to look at things from a different perspective.  And what I love most about a camera is that it entices me to notice beauty and take the time to enjoy it.

Late Saturday afternoon the sun peeked out from behind a cloud and drew me over to Kara's ornamental cherry tree.  I'm glad I captured the moment then because the blossoms have already started to fade.

This is the view of our barns and house coming back from Kara's house.  It's quite a different angle for me, but one she sees every day.  I was glad for the change in perspective.


  1. lovely lessons to learn. Your post title is a pretty good mantra!

  2. I guess it is, Laura. I hadn't thought of it that way! This was one of those posts when I didn't know what I was going to say until I chose the pictures, but once I did, they wrote the post for me! :)

  3. Looks like spring is on its way!


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