Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

We Missed Sunday Dinner

It's a huge help to have gotten comments from more experienced cattle-persons than we are.  Among those were some helpful pointers from Sara's previous owner  who's gotten several calves from her.  Thanks to her helpful comments, I've reduced my trips to the barn from every two hours to several a day.  And thanks to cumulative wisdom from all my "Cow Gurus," I know a bit more in detail which signs to look for.

Today, there are no changes to report, so there are no "up close and personal" photos!  (But you can probably make a guess how many years ago I started watching the Olympics when I say that!)

This morning before we left for church, Sara was peacefully chewing her cud in her favorite spot in the barn, attended by her biggest fans--our fly-eating Muscovy ducks!  (The barnyard is wet because it rained last night.)

I checked Sara when we got home from church, and I swear she hadn't moved all day!

We went out to check her together at 5:30 and ended up feeding early.  It's much easier to see Sara's rear end when her front end is occupied!  See, Kim, she hasn't changed a bit--still picks up her feed bowl and tosses it when she's done.  And guess what?  Siobhan does the same thing, too!

So life has settled down to waiting on Sara and waiting on our contractor.

I'm afraid to jinx this calf by talking about possible names for a heifer, but I had a thought about a great name for a bull calf.  I guess Sara has six more hours left before we miss our "Sunday Dinner!"
Speaking of Sunday Dinner, here's what she's missing out on while she's in the Maternity Ward.  If I were her, I'd take castor oil or do jumping jacks and get that calf out so I could go enjoy all that nice, green grass!

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