Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Three Wishes Fulfilled

My sister and her family have been visiting us this past week, and we've been in the business of wish fulfillment!  My nephew was dying to wear his cowboy outfit and ride Julie.  That was easy to grant.  Kara was taking pictures for me, and she was bummed to miss the shot of Julie's expression when he sat down in the saddle.  (Julie, of course is used to Charis & Kol on her back.)  I never knew a horse could look shocked!  :D

 My nephew's next wish was to help do morning chores.  Since they were an hour away in Alabama, that would have dragged everyone else out of bed awfully early.  We compromised on evening chores so he got to feed the pigs, definitely the most fun to watch.

The third wish was actually one we got fulfilled for US because they seem to have brought rain from Virginia!  Yeehaw!


  1. Thanks for posting the great pics--he was sooo thrilled to ride Julie. Julie was funny when he climbed on, wasn't she?

  2. Julie was hysterical! At least we all saw her expression, so we know a horse really can look shocked. We know no one was imagining things!


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