Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Didi Day (Wednesday, Oct. 27)

Charis had fun watching Didi dig postholes today.

We really need to get the barnyard fenced in (and we need to get the adjoining hill fenced, too, but that's just not going to happen any time soon) so we have a safe place for Sara to calve.  We've seen evidence of coyotes down near the field, and there's not much poor Sara could do against a pack of them!
We bought a posthole digger to run off the tractor's PTO, but it's been so dry this summer that the ground is like concrete--no way to use the posthole digger.  So Herb has been digging the holes by hand.  Once he gets down to the rock-hard part, he pours water into the hole, lets it soak in overnight, and digs it out the next day.  Here, Charis and Zephyr watch him dig out the bottom with a can.
Charis and Zephyr seem to be having a little conversation of their own while Herb chops up some more dirt.
She seems just as fascinated by Herb digging as Zephyr usually is.  Zephyr barks pretty well non-stop with every chop!
Later in the afternoon Herb took a break and went on a long walk with Charis and Hero.  She walked all the way down the hill and out to the pond in the back pasture, then back to this point where they headed up the hill toward the house.  About that time Charis ran out of steam and slowed down, so Herb carried her the rest of the way.  I don't think she weighs much more than the crowbar he was hefting all morning, and I know she's a lot more fun to carry!

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