Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Chicken Day (Sunday, Oct. 24)

At some point during the "12 Days of Charis" I gave up trying to keep up with my daily blog and contented myself with getting photos up on Facebook for Jim & Monique to see and getting others printed for the scrapbook I was making of Charis' visit.  Rather than try to go back and blog for every day I missed, I decided to do just a few days that were representative both of our time with Charis and of life here on the farm.

On Sunday the 24th, we had chicken for lunch.  Actually, we had chickens!  It was a lovely October day, and we ate our Sunday dinner of roast beef, carrots and home-grown potatoes on the back porch.  The chickens invited themselves to dinner!  Note Wren (right above the wine glass) gazing hopefully up at the table.  They know where food comes from!
After lunch, the guys hung out on the porch together.
Charis was a bit unsure about an entire horde of chickens getting too close to her.
But with Mimi for moral support--and eventual chicken chasing--she had a ball feeding her uneaten lunch to the chickens, including, I'm afraid, a little roast beef.  "Eat mor cowz!"
They're really quite endearingly funny-looking, but you can see why 32 of them surrounding you would be a bit intimidating if you weren't much bigger than they are.
We decided that some chicken-hugging would be a good idea, so Mimi grabbed the friendliest Naked Neck pullet that was sitting close to us, and both she and Charis seemed to enjoy their chicken love-fest.
Later that afternoon while Charis was sitting in her wagon, a rooster suddenly jumped up to (what else?) roost on the edge of the wagon.  Charis thought that was hysterical!
On the way back to the house after evening chores, when Charis discovered that she was being shadowed by a chicken she thought that was pretty funny, too!

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