Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Adventures Here and There (Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7-8)

I'm more than a week behind because we took a trip to Williamsburg, VA to visit Jenny and Jean-Marc.  I'm going to try to catch up faster than I keep falling behind.  So hang on, here goes . . .

We got up earlier than planned on the morning of the 7th--awakened by the sudden silence when my white noise machine went dead.  The power was out!  I gathered all the candles I could find to give us enough light to dress by.  When I carried them on a tray to the dining room so I could see to finish collecting things, the sun was just beginning to rise in the distance beyond the golden candlelight.
Herb chose a less photogenic, albeit more efficient,  method to light his way as he loaded the car.  He was moving fast, and it was so dark there was barely enough light for my camera to catch him!

After the car was loaded, he went out to show our farm sitter how to do morning chores while I cleaned up the kitchen.  Just as they walked in the back door, let there be light!  On that promising note, we piled into the car, asked God's blessing on our trip, and headed off to Virginia.

After a long, but happily uneventful trip, we arrived safely.  Jenny was starting fall break from law school and had the next week free to entertain us, but poor Jean-Marc would have to work while we went galivanting about!  Such cruel hardship notwithstanding, he had pitched in with Jenny to prepare us a delicious welcoming Indian meal.
Friday morning we visited the William and Mary campus, a truly beautiful and elegant campus.  We followed that up with a return visit to the Colonial Williamsburg shops in the afternoon, just minutes from Jenny & Jean-Marc's apartment.  I think it would almost be worth the work of going through law school to live in such a charming city!


  1. Hey, I didn't realize you had all those electrical problems the morning before coming! Glad you made it!

  2. I guess it paled by comparison with our delight in arriving, our enjoyment of the delicious meal, and our consternation over the missing chickens!


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