Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Little by Little--and a Little Surprise!

This morning, while the electrician and I discussed how to set up electricity in the barns and brooder, Herb finished both walls of the brooder and hung hardware cloth on the top half of the interior wall.  Then he had to leave for the afternoon.  As a surprise for him, I cut and stapled up the hardware cloth across the front wall.  By the time I hammered the last staple in, I had sweat pouring off my chin and onto the floor, it was so hot!

Later in the afternoon after Herb got home, it cooled off a little bit with some cloud cover and an inch of rain so we decided to get a little more work done.  "Cooled off" was relative:  it was 76° when we finished, which sounds better, but the humidity was 89% and the heat index somewhere between 101-106°!  But he got the first row of hardware cloth stapled on the ceiling.  Tomorrow he'll put up another rafter and the last two rows of hardware cloth.  Then all that's left is the door!
Walking back to the house to get something, I saw a bright spot of color over near the playhouse.  When I investigated, this is what I saw.
How this lonely gladiolus got there, I have no idea, but it was a lovely little surprise!

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