Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

American Idol, Season 29

Charis spent the afternoon and evening with us yesterday while Monique worked on a project with Kara at her house.  But first, Aunt Kara played "house" with Charis.  Kara's job was to hold all the dishes that Charis piled in her arms!

We had a fun evening, but Charis didn't fall asleep for her afternoon nap till 5 p.m.--and then she slept until 9!  She was sitting in my lap eating boeuf aux carottes and watching "American Idol" when Jim and Monique came to pick her up!  Oh well, I guess that makes us real grandparents--ruining her schedule and letting her watch TV!  (At least Simon and Ellen behaved themselves!)  And I must say, Charis loves the singing!  I can see her being interviewed on "American Idol, Season 29": "Yes, I've been addicted to 'American Idol' since I was 14 months old, so you might say it's been my lifelong ambition to become an American Idol!  I'm so grateful to America for choosing me as their Idol in 2030!"

1 comment:

  1. Such a great wish I was still in college and living near by, close enough to play with Charis bear every day !!!


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