Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whining and Dining in Virginia

Hi, "Zephyr Hill Windsong" here, but you can just call me Zephyr.  Or Zeph.  Or Zef-Zef.  Or Zephy. You can pretty much call me anything you want but late for dinner.  I thought I would surprise Mommy by getting on the computer and telling all about my very first trip ever.

CCS had a fall and broke something, so on Oct. 16, Daddy, Mommy, and I drove in the car all the way to Williamsburg.  It was a very long time to stay in my crate, but I was very good and quiet the whole time.  I didn't know where we were going, but as soon as I got out of the car, I could tell that Jenny and Jean-Marc were there.  I thought, "So this is where they go when they disappear!"  They had presents for me--a rawhide bone and a ball.  I discovered something they didn't even know--the ball squeaked!  I had so much fun making it squeak and squeak and squeak . . .  At first I thought Jean-Marc didn't love me anymore because he wouldn't throw the ball, but then Mommy explained that Dr. Keller said I have Arthur Eyetis' hind leg and I had to rest..  So I spent a lot of time chewing on my bone, too.  I chewed it so much I forgot to eat!

The next day, Jenny and Jean-Marc took us on the Virginia Whine Trail near Charlottesville.  I guess there must have been a lot of famous whiners in Virginia for them to make such a long trip to see them.  First we went to Jefferson Vineyards which is near Montpellier where some President, Clinton I think, made whine.  I know Daddy and Mommy didn't like him very much as a president, but they all said his whine was excellent.  I think whine must be contagious because Daddy caught a case of it.  They didn't want me to catch it, so they left me in the car after they took my picture near The Great Plumpkin.  It really is plump!  See, it's bigger than me!

After that we went to lunch.  Well, they did.  They ate at an Afghan restaurant called Ariana, and it was delicious.  I know because Mommy brought me the lamb bones even though Daddy thought the waiter was offended because she said they were for her dog.  I'm sure if he could have met me, he wouldn't have minded.  Anyway, they use lots of mint-flavored yogurt and delicious spices, and Daddy and Mommy loved the food!

Next we went to Blenheim Whinery.  I stayed in the car this time, but believe me, I heard all about it because they were really whining when they got back in the car!  It was in a gorgeous barn that smelled really good, but the girl who did the whining didn't know anything about it, and everyone said it was awful whine.  Luckily this kind wasn't contagious, so Daddy didn't catch a case of it this time. 

A funny thing happened to Mommy.  (Funny things seem to, all the time!)   About the time the girl poured Mommy's fifth tasting, Mommy bumped her goblet with her elbow and knocked it off the crowded counter.  It was almost ready to hit the floor, but quick as a wink, she reached out with her left hand and caught it--and only half of the tasting spilled on some strange lady's jeans!  The lady was really nice; she was impressed that Mommy caught it.  Mommy was embarrassed that she seemed drunk by knocking it off, but she said she proved she wasn't by catching the glass in mid-air!  I could have told the lady Mommy does klutzy stuff all the time and she's never drunk!

Now who's had too much?

One nice thing was we got to walk around there, and we saw the grapes growing.  I couldn't hear them whining, but maybe they were asleep.  They were hanging upside down like possums, so I think they were sleeping.  Then Jenny said we should go see one more whinery right near there, called Kluge Estates.  It sounded very elegant, and it was.  I stayed in the car again.  I felt like whining!  Kluge's whine was very good, but everyone agreed Jefferson's was better.  I think Daddy likes whine because he bought several bottles to take home, but he didn't catch a case of it, fortunately.  After that we went outside to play.  Hooray!   Of course, since Jenny and Mommy were there, we had to take lots of pictures first!  But then I got to run around.  I made Mommy run, too, and she did pretty well for an old lady, but I ran as fast as the wind, SO fast I was blurry!  That was my favorite part of the day so far, but there was more to come!  I'm kind of tired now, though, so I think I'll go take a dog-nap and write more later.


  1. That was a great day indeed, Zephyria.

  2. Ah, that is so clever and sweet! Thanks for sharing Zeph!! We love you and miss you so much!!

  3. Hey, did you change the first photo of Zeph Zeph?

  4. Yes, I'm having trouble using the newer way to make a post, & after I posted, I realized I had accidentally deleted the first photo I wanted to use. Zephyr misses you, too!


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