Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Lookout, Pest Control Man!

Further Adventures in Restoring the Cabin

The Lookout Pest Control man came today to spray the cabin for powder post beetle (which I in my senility keep calling "powder puff.")  Well, there was a Powder Puff Derby, all right, but not the ususal kind.  This one was all the "girls" checking out this guy and his noisy contraption (which pumps the chemical through his hose as he sprays it onto the wood).
Eventually the pest man finished spraying inside and had to venture out of the cabin and around front to spray the outside.  If you look closely, you can see him behind the tree, and you can even see the spray highlighted against the dark part of the roof overhang.  Why is he behind the tree?  If you can't guess, look at the picture of Sara in the previous post!
You can tell the pest man is getting ready to move his truck--look at where all the girls are!
The pest man's brake lights are on, his window is open as he's waving his hand at Brandy, and there he sits . . . and sits . . . and sits.  They like having company and see no reason to move!  Sorry, no photos, but picture me at the other end of the lens, up on the back porch, laughing my head off!  Picture Herb snarfing down the last of his cereal as fast as he can . . .
. . . so he can run to the guy's rescue!  Too bad for the poor pest man that it's 0.2 of a mile down there, so he just keeps on sitting and sitting.
"Hey, mom!  Should I let him go now?"  Brandy apparently got the idea when she saw Herb running down the road, and she moved just enough for the pest man to turn his truck.
And now it's Sara's turn!  I bet the poor pest man was having a few choice words to say about then!  I'm sure he was wondering just exactly what pests he was supposed to be getting rid of!
Finally, as Herb came through the gate, even Sara realized the game was up and moved out of the way.  Herb stayed until the pest man finished spraying the back of the cabin.  It was a good thing he did, because he had to call Hero back twice from chasing Sara.  Talk about pests!  We have them in spades here!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. There is strength in numbers. Now if they would only do the same with future robbers! Not that I wish on you any more robbers!


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