Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Robsessed! (Or Team Edward Comes to Town)

While we were hard at work on our shed yesterday, over a hundred insane fans of Robert Pattinson were flocking to a nearby farm where he is filming "Water for Elephants."  For the third day in a row, our local paper's headlines focused on the biggest news in town.  Yes, Robert Pattinson is in Walker County, and women and girls from as far away as Orlando and Illinois are lining West Cove Road about 10 miles from here, standing in the sweletering heat, hoping for a glimpse of their idol.
While Herb was mowing the lawn Thursday, a car with a woman and a young girl drove up to our gate, stopped, turned around and left.  The newspaper hadn't printed quite as much information then, and it's our guess they were looking for "Edward."  Sorry, no vampires here!  Maybe we're just old country folk, but we simply don't get it!  We had TONS more fun working on our shed and actually accomplishing something worthwhile with our time.  While they feed their ridiculous obsession, we're preparing to feed ourselves and our family.


  1. In fact, we're now SURE those gals were looking for Rob. When Herb looked at the color picture in the paper, he said the red car in the background looks just like the car he saw. Does that make us famous?

  2. Aren't you sorry you were in Spain? :)


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