Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Geography for Farmers

Here are some fascinating maps, the kind of geography farmers love!  Even if you aren't a farmer, if you simply eat and enjoy food, there is a lot of scope for reflexion in these maps.

40 Maps that explain food in America

The first one includes a bit of history, too.

Where the world's cattle, chickens and pigs live

In case you were wondering, there are apparently 980 million pigs in the world, 1.4 billion cows, and 19.6 billion chickens.  To put that in perspective, there are 7 billion humans.

According to evolutionists, chickens are the closest living relative to Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Considering that chickens outnumber humans by 2.8 times, it might behoove you to check the second map and see if there are any chickens living near you!  If there are, you should be afraid.  Be very afraid!


  1. Great info, winter is still here in Wyoming.
    Snow has melted again today. Bev & I will do our chores & get wood in for the next storm. Happy new year. I will try to get time to post more soon.We are healthy & warm here on the farm.
    God Bless
    Mark & Bev.

    1. I'm glad to hear from you guys and know you are well. I know you keep a lot busier up there in order to keep things going well. Stay warm!

  2. What a cute naked neck! We have one that my husband rescued from his chiropractor's office haha!

    1. That's a really funny place to rescue a chicken from! :) They really have so much personality, don't they? They were our first batch of meat birds, and we never did them again because they were such individuals. :( We went to a more homogenous-looking bird to make it easier on us.


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