Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

We Had a Dream

In July 2010 we attended Nature's Harmony Farm Business School for a weekend seminar.  We came away realizing we already had the perfect customer base--our kids and grandkids.  We had moved to Zephyr Hill Farm on a whim, but that summer weekend the whim became a dream.  We dreamed of Zephyr Hill Farm as a place our children and grandchildren would love to visit, to experience God's amazing creation--especially His creatures, and to build lifelong memories.

On December 23, Jim and Monique arrived with Charis, who turned six on the 28th; Kol, who will be four in January; and Eden, who will be two in April.  Jenny, Jean-Marc and their dog Tai arrived from Ohio on Christmas Eve.  Kara had already been here for several days with her dog Bonnie, cooking, baking and decorating up a storm.  Katie and Cameron could not join us as they were heading to New Zealand the day after Christmas.  We missed them, but the celebration went on . . .

All kinds of fun were on the menu, like jumping off the Kubota . . .

getting horsey kisses . . .

and tickles!

Kol and Charis lifted Eden up for a horsey kiss, too . . .
while Julie was just her perfect size.
Not even big, tall Romeo could faze Eden, a truly fearless animal lover.
Charis discovered the fall leaves . . .
and everyone piled right in.

On Christmas Eve we sang Christmas carols around the table after our dinner of fresh Ohio tamales and homemade grass-fed beef chili.

Christmas morning began with one of our favorite traditions.  Everyone has to stay in their room until Dad and Mom (or Didi and Mimi) turn on all the Christmas lights.  Finally, when everything is ready, I give the cue to come downstairs by turning on Percy Faith's "Joy to the World" at 99 on my Bose player.  It definitely wakes any stragglers!

This has for many years been our way of beginning Christmas morning with the joyous announcement of the birth of Jesus.
Full of exuberance while she waited for the slow grown-ups, Eden raced around and around the room . . .

while Charis and Kol clapped their hands over their ears to dim the pealing music and followed suit.

Like the rest of us, Jean-Marc enjoyed a cup of coffee while Santa Herb distributed the presents, assisted by Aunt Kara the Elf.

Jenny kept her camera poised to capture Christmas memories.

Eden helped Jim open his gift of grass-fed Zephyr Hill Farm beef.
Charis and Kol exercised enormous artistic talent and generosity this year, and Aunt Kara was the beneficiary of an original Charis work of art.

Monique shared Eden's joy over a stuffed doggie from Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jean-Marc.
And finally, after a treasure hunt through the house, the children found Didi and Mimi's present in the basement, an HO train complete with an antique village from Mimi's childhood, a mountain tunnel studded with real West Texas rocks, and a little farm with a pasture full of animals.

We were blessed by five full days with the family, loving every minute (except the ones I spent sick in bed). Sunday found everyone heading for home, whether Ohio or nearby Chattanooga.  Before the grandkids left, they had a few last requests . . .  Eden got to say goodbye to the animals.

Charis got a birthday kiss.
Kol and Eden talked to the cattle over the fence.
And there was time for one last romp on the hay bale playground Jim and Didi had built in the hay barn.

Although we made many happy memories this Christmas, there's one I'll always remember.  Monique told us that when Kol woke up the morning after Christmas, he asked her, "Mama, is this a dream?"

"No, it's real," she reassured him.

But she was wrong.  It was a dream--our dream come true!


  1. Just beautiful! It's also our dream to have our children and future grandchildren come back to the farm for memory making. Thanks for the smile.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope your dream will come true, too! I just found your blog, and it's lovely! I'm going to check it out. See you on KFC!

  2. So glad you had your family around you for Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Carol! Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

  3. Lovely ~ thank you for sharing. It must be so nice to have family with whom to share holidays.

    1. Thank you, I hope you and your lovely family had a special Christmas!

  4. That hay bale playground is magic!

    1. Our son thought that up! Something no farm should be without!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Elnini. I'm so grateful to my grandson for his comment because it made me realize our dream was actually coming true, which makes it doubly precious.

  6. The times your grandchildren spend on your farm will always be remembered by them and they will always think of those times as a magical moments. This is a perfect Christmas being with family and creating memories that will last a life time. That's our dream too.

    1. You're right, Gordon, and your dream is coming closer and closer! This is the year, isn't it?

  7. What fantastic pictures! It really does look like the perfect family Christmas, everyone having fun. It's always so great to have the grandkids here. I look forward to getting out and playing with them again! LOVE the haybale playground LOL

    1. Farms and ranches were made for grandkids, weren't they? :)

  8. Thanks for sharing these photos and stories for us to share in from afar. Of course we delight in seeing the children creating such "dreamy" and unforgettable memories. You are all truly blessed and we rejoice in that with you

    1. Thanks, Susan. We can't provide any cousins for them to play with (that's your specialité!), but we do have the animals! :)


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