Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jet Is a Canine Good Citizen

Jet and I have spent the past six weeks going to an AKC Canine Good Citizen class every Thursday evening.  Tonight we had a test to see if he passed . . .

Jet had to walk on a loose leash, sit, lie down, stay while I walked 20 feet away, come when called, wait with a stranger while I disappeared for 3 minutes, have his feet and ears handled by a stranger (the examiner), be brushed by the examiner, walk among a crowd of strangers making lots of noise, and come close to a strange dog.
As you can perhaps guess from my face, Jet passed his test!

I had a test to pass, too--I had to promise to fulfill a list of responsibilities toward Jet.  A Canine Good Citizen deserves a human good citizen!


  1. Congratulations, Jet and Susan!! Love the last pic especially! All that hard works deserves a ribbon!

    1. Thanks, Barbara! He did so well, especially because all of the other dogs in the class were very big, and he was the "little guy."


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