Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Eden Meets Jet and Bonnie

Until recently, Eden has been asleep most of the time she's spent at Zephyr Hill Farm.  But this past week she was wide awake--and fascinated with our newest farm babies.

 Jet and Bonnie were fascinated with her, and in true doggie style they met the newcomer by sniffing her posterior!
"What kind of puppy is this?"

The fascination was mutual.

 Jet decided to share Eden's blanket, especially since it's the one he likes to cuddle on with me on the couch.  Bonnie wasn't quite so sure.
It may look like Jet's about to eat Eden's foot, but he was really coming in to lick it.  Both puppies loved Eden's little feet and hands and bestowed generous kisses on them!  All in all, it was one big Mutual Admiration Society!


  1. Oh, how very sweet to be able to record that with photos!

    1. Yes, Barbara, I love looking back on special moments. And since I'm getting forgetful in my old age :) it helps to be able to look back and check on the date that something happened! And then when I put the best photos in books, we can look back over them with the grandkids some day!


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