Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Family Snapshots

Here are some snapshots of our animal family from earlier this week.

We let the guinea fowl out of the brooder house on Sunday.  It took a couple hours for them to finally get over their fear and move out into the wide world!  We gave up watching long before that!
Cash surveys his little domain in the Home Pasture, while Sara grazes far away in the Lower Pasture.

After a couple of days in the chicken tractor, the turkeys enjoy their freedom.

One of the sheep gets up close and personal.

Macree loves her daddy Cash and usually stays close to him.  I guess every little girl goes through a stage as "Daddy's Girl!"

Sara and a little black dot who is Tundra enjoy their solitude.

Ping follows her new pasture-mates.

Ping has finally found someone lower on the totem pole than she is--that turkey is flapping away from Ping because she asserted her dominance over a soggy strawberry.  Misty likes to sit out near her charges, but she doesn't worry herself with their antics.

Sticking close to daddy.

The little family in the Home Pasture, right before we moved the cattle to the Far Pasture (in the distance).

The guineas have taken to roaming all around, but they seem to like to be near the turkeys, their former housemates.  The bird in front of the others got itself into the Home Pasture and couldn't figure out how to get out.  So the silly birds kept running up and down along the fence gabbling at each other until I went out in the pasture and shooed the lost bird through a gap to join its friends.

And finally, a close-up of Tundra, the newest member of the family, and mom Sara.

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