Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Offering Horse-pitality

Long-time friends, colleagues from both the Bible Fellowship Church and Africa Inland Mission, spent Memorial Day weekend with us.  Paul and Julie Zimmerman left the pastorate for Africa about the same time we came home from Africa in 1987.  Their generosity practically furnished the house we bought, so it was a blessing to have them stay with us up in Aslan's Tent (using their old wardrobe!)

Paul and Julie enjoyed a first: gathering fresh eggs.  Herb enjoyed comparing notes with a fellow pastor-missionary-teacher for the first time in a long time.  We all enjoyed catching up with each other's paths over the past twenty-five years!

Julie got a kick out of the fact that our pony is named Julie, and she enjoyed feeding apples to Julie.

Julie-the-pony ate up the attention in more ways than one!

Julie-the-human learned quickly that Angel and Brandy had to get their share so the pecking order wouldn't be upset by playing favorites with Julie-the-pony.

Julie-the-pony seemed to get her nose out of joint waiting for her turn, though!

Julie enjoyed leading Julie back to the pasture each evening, so we made a tradition of it.

After a wonderful weekend of fellowship, we were sorry to see Paul and Julie leave this morning.  Nevertheless, I watched them drive off with a smile on my face thanks to Julie's parting, "Thank you for your horse-pitality!"

When I replied, "It's marely the least we could do," Paul decided it was time to hit the road!  He's rumored to be the master punster of the family, but I think Julie was first out of the gate this morning!

Travel safe, Paul and Julie, and come back soon for some more horse-pitality!


  1. HAHAHAHA!!! Your horse puns had me laughing! :D

    1. I'm guessing that's a horse laugh? Don't laugh yourself hoarse! Oh, no, hoarse is what happens when you get a virus and catch a colt. Well, I'm going to shut up before you get your filly me. :D


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