Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Too-Too Happy Toutous

Toutou (pronounced "too-too") is French for "doggie."  Our toutous are enjoying a treat because I dug a sack of raw beef bones out of the freezer today.  The small ones that could break into splinters will go into soup, but the big joints make great dog treats.

Zephyr may look asleep, but she's not!  She's just concentrating!

Who knew it was so easy to make so many people happy at the same time?  "What the world needs more is bones, sweet bones!"


  1. Tai misses them all the time, especially right now as they enjoy their bones ;-)

    1. I'm sure there will still be some bones left next time Tai is here.


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