Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Sign of the Times

Dear Readers,

Please accept my apology for what I am doing.  I have been slammed with spam on this blog, and even though Blogger always catches it, it has become a nuisance getting the notifications in my email and having to go delete the comments from my spam list.  So I'm breaking down and doing something I NEVER wanted to do:  Using verification for comments to prove you're not a robot.  I hate this when I comment on others' blogs, and I REALLY hate to do it to you!  I love your comments, I'm encouraged by them, and I'd like to keep getting them.

If you can get past the irritating little boxes, please keep commenting--and let me know how you feel about this.  If it's enough to stop you from commenting, then I'll just keep ploughing through the emails and deletions.  What I hope is that if you're patient for awhile, maybe I'll be able to remove this irritation later once we've broken the wave of spammers.  For right now, the spammers are truly slamming my post on whether or not Sara was pregnant.  I don't know why this one or why now, but it's time to stop them!

Just as hand-washing is the best way to stop a cold from spreading, word verification is the best way to stop spammers.  So please bear with me, and consider it a sign of the times--the modern version of telemarketers!



  1. Ah, captcha. I have no idea why my success rate on captcha is atrocious. I try so hard and keep on failing.

  2. I know, Brent, that's why I hate it! Sometimes it seems impossible to prove (hollow, robotic voice) I am not a robot, I am not a robot, I am not a robot!


I LOVE comments so please take a minute and let me know you were here! Sorry I have to use Captcha, but I hope you'll comment anyway! Comments make my day! :)