Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Pastoral Scene (Saturday, Apr. 2)

Due to continued upheaval in the house, this got left out.  I just had to back-track and include this peaceful picture of Siobhan enjoying a view from the top of the hill while chewing her cud.


  1. That looks awesome. What is the little building for - shade, hay, shelter?

  2. Thanks, Wobbly! If I chewed cud, I'd probably lay there to do it, too! The little building was there when we bought the property. I'm not sure what its original intention was, but we call it the "run-in shed." We usually keep a salt block in there, and in the summer the animals sometimes go in there for shade. That field has been so cleared that there's no good shade in the middle of the day, so we're glad it's there.


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