Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun and Games on the Farm

Charis spent the night last night and the day today.  What a fun day we had!  After Didi cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast (he didn't know Charis doesn't like eggs--or bacon, as it turns out), it was time to get dressed and go outside.  That was when we played our first game:
The "Peekaboo Hide 'n Seek the Shoes" game, trying to find Charis' shoes which Peekie had carried off.
We also learned Charis' new word which Jim taught her, "Shooss!
After Didi carried her while I led the horses down to the pasture, it was time for the next game:
The "Watch Charis March 0.2 Mile Uphill" game!  I wish I could bottle her energy and sell it--my fortune would be made!
Then it was time for the "Play With Aunt Kara" game, which involved digging in the garden, a nice long walk, and a wagon ride.
Next was the "How Fast Can Charis Pull Her Hat Off" game.  This was the only time I was quicker with the camera than she was to rip the hat off!  Good thing the sun went behind the clouds while we were out in the garden.
Zephyr wasn't quite as fast as Charis, mainly because she had to shake the hat off her head (not having hands to yank it off with!)  I managed to get three shots!
Then we played "Let's Fetch Eggs"--and we didn't break one!  This, by the way, was a four-egg day.  Gypsy is such a nice chicken--she actually held still for Charis to pat her.  Monique has taught her to be gentle, and she pats the animals very nicely.
Right before supper, she finally got into the "Gardening Game," although I think if we need grass actually dug up, we're going to have to ask Hero!
And when Jim and Monique got back, Charis played the "Look at the Fun Things I Learned to Do!" game.  I had helped her ride my old rocking horse, but when she showed Daddy and Mommy what she could do, it was so much more exciting!  We think she's just about ready to try out for the Olympic equestrian team!

One of the sweetest things, which I barely caught from the corner of my eye, was when we prayed before supper.  Charis actually put her hand in mine for the first time while we prayed to thank Jesus for her food.  As I said "Amen, thank you, Jesus!" I opened my eyes and saw that she had scrunched hers up tight during the prayer and didn't open them till I said "Amen!"  You'll just have to enjoy the mental picture.

Thank you, Jesus, for a beautiful day with our precious Charis!


  1. The "marching" picture reminds me of Robert Louis Stevenson's "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, And what can be the use of him is more than I can see . . ."

  2. Love the accounting of your day with Charis! We cleaned out the shed this afternoon and it wasn't nearly as much fun. :P

  3. Maybe not, but still a good feeling of accomplishment, right?

  4. AH, man, Zeph is the greatest! WE LOVE ZEPH FAN CLUB APPROVES!


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