Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cleaning with Charis

Charis spent the night with us for the first time ever last night!  We have been looking forward to this time ever since she was born!  She slept in till 8 this morning, and we had a leisurely breakfast after teeth-brushing and getting dressed--in Jim's old Jambo Kenya T-shirt from our trip to Kenya when he was 6 years old.  By the way, happy 30th birthday, Jim!
Since it was 38° and alternately raining and snowing (yes!) outside, Charis and I made our own fun inside.  Well, part of the time I was outside cleaning the sliding glass doors which were semi-opaque half-way up, thanks to Hero and Zephyr!  Jambo, Charis!
Peekaboo came along to try to get outside, and Charis had fun trying to pick him up.  She almost managed a couple times!
Then there was the fun of watching Mimi work--and making more work for her so she wouldn't be bored!
This picture makes me think of I Corinthians 13:12, "For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known."
I gave Charis a paper towel to play with--but she wanted to work!  Just call me Grandma Sawyer!
Good job, Charis!  I think I'll always save washing windows for days when you come over, you're such a good helper!


  1. Love the pics--what a fun day! Doing everyday things looks like so much fun when you have a little helper like that! What happy memories you and Charis made for each other. Thanks for sharing--I love to read your blog.

  2. Thanks! So sweet of you to follow! Here's a message from Charis: frcfcrfffffffffffff hjb ,nhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb dfqS gvh dsxf ww
    I think it was a kiss--she's been giving them out liberally today! :)

  3. Oh my, she's gone and done it again...she's grown AGAIN!

  4. Oh, yeah! And she's saying more words: "Jooss." (You can figure that one out!) "Boo." That's Peekaboo! "Booh." That's book. "Nurss." You can figure that one out, too! It includes a bottle, which is why she said it to me! :) She still uses sign language, especially for "more" and "all done." "More" was the Word-of-the-Day, especially in regards to organic animal crackers. I think she devoured a bear, a lion, a cat, and a rhinoceros before I hid the bag!

  5. Some more updates, please;-)


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