Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!

We had a half inch of snow last night, so everything shut down today in our part of Georgia, and Herb got a snow day!  Hooray!  Hero loves having Daddy help feed the animals, and so do I.  It goes so much faster with two of us, and I really appreciate that when it's freezing out.

It's the coldest day we've had yet, and this has been a frigid week!  Hero is used to having his manure snacks frozen by now.  He and Zephyr were actually playing "keep away" with one chunk until Hero won!  He's our Abdominal Snow Monster!

While Herb sawed fallen trees and branches off the far upper fence line, I used the leaf blower to snow-blow the driveway so Jim and Monique could get their car up it tonight when they came with Charis to celebrate Christmas.

Zephyr helped, of course, barking wildly and even trying to bite the blower nozzle, especially when it blew her face full of snow.  That's why they tell you to use ear muffs with the snow blower--to quiet your barking dogs!  She's our Abominable Snow Monster!

Charis and Zephyr loved getting reacquainted tonight.  Hero was on his best behavior, too, and seems to have learned that he has to go lay down and stay out of Charis' face if he wants to stay out of the laundry room!

Charis loved her piano-xylophone and figured it out right away.  Her favorite Bible verse is "Make a joyful noise!"  She LOVES music!

Charis modeled her new outfit from Aunt Kara and carried her new purse from Aunt Katie & Uncle Cameron.  Such a little lady!  Then she devoured her supper of Mexican beef stew with cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes and squash.  As she ate the corn tortilla with it, she said, "Mmmmm!"  Shades of Aunt Katie!

What a lovely end to a lovely snow day!

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