Stories of life on our farm in Northwest Georgia where every day is an adventure in this beautiful spot that God has entrusted to our stewardship.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Catching Up

Friday, January 15

I had a good excuse not to be on the computer Friday: Charis arrived before 9 a.m. and spent the day with Jenny, Jean-Marc and me. Jenny took this photo, so I can't claim credit for it, but isn't she a doll! We had SO much fun! We took a wagon ride out to see the chickens and gather eggs, down to get the mail, and up the hill to meet the neighbors. Charis played with Zephyr, throwing her ball--and eating it! :) She ate an enormous bowl of vegetable soup for lunch, took two naps, and read and rocked with Grandma. Most of her time was actually spent modeling for the camera, as I took about 180 pictures and Jenny took over 290!

We put on music and Charis danced and danced and danced. She has such an (excuse me!) charismatic personality! :) What a lovely day!


  1. She reminds me of that Abba Song, Dancing Queen, only 17! LOL

  2. Yes, she does! Kara Henry commented on FB that she looks like an Egyptian dancer, too! I think she looks precious, and I miss her! Can't believe I haven't seen her in almost 2 weeks! :(


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