
Monday, April 7, 2014

No April Fool's Joke

I'm sure my friend Julia would agree that it was totally apropos that we got together again for the first time in ages on April Fool's Day.  Because believe me, we howled our heads off like a couple of fools!  (I'm sorry I can't tell you what about, because then we'd have to kill you!)  And don't ask Julia, either, because she'll never tell.  But when you see her at my funeral laughing till she cries over a vase of peonies, just know that I'm up in heaven laughing even harder than she is--and thanking the Lord for good friends who are sisters in Christ and Kindred Spirits!

And that's no April Fool's joke!


  1. Glad to hear you had a day filled with laughter with a friend!!

    1. The Lord knows that "a merry heart does good like a medicine," which is why He gives us friends and sisters!


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