
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where's the Dexter?

Believe it or not, there's a Dexter hiding in this picture.

Now can you see her?

So far that's the only disadvantage I've found with Dexters:  When the grass gets really long, they're hard to find!  But since they're so friendly, they usually come find you, so it really isn't a problem anyway!

We just love our Dexters . . . when we can find them!


  1. Saw your post on the dextercattleonly list, and dropped by to explore your site. Your homestead is lovely, and your animals all look so happy :-) We are in GA, to, but more on the NE side.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I haven't been able to see the photos on the dexteronly site! I'm glad other people can! Do you have pictures of your farm posted? I'd love to see them.

  2. Wow, that pasture sure looks lush--bet the animals are really enjoying it.


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