
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pipe Up!

Blogger has a great new widget--well, sort of great!  You'll notice on the right hand side of my blog that you can now choose to read the blog translated in another language.

Those of you who are linguists have got a lot of choices, but the only one I'm reasonably fluent in is French.  So I tried it out.  My assessment is that Blogger needs some new translators!  :(

Vocabulary-wise, it seems okay.  I have been able to learn a few French farm words that I didn't already know. But grammar-wise--forget it!  Some of the sentences came out completely incomprehensible!

I'm going to email a couple of my French friends and ask them to check it out and give me their opinions. Personally, I think that unless they are completely stuck on a vocabulary word, their English is MUCH better than Blogger's French!

I know from checking my blog stats that there are readers in Russia.  In fact, I was thinking of you when I added this.  I would love to know what you think of the new translator since I don't know ANY Russian! If any other readers are proficient in other languages, I'd love to hear your opinions, too!  So pipe up and let me hear from you!

And in case you didn't grow up in a family like mine and don't have a clue what I mean by "pipe up," it's the opposite of what my parents used to say when they were tired of hearing us girls talk: "Pipe down!"


  1. Bonjour Susan,

    C'est probablement le moins linguiste de tes amis qui te répond au sujet de la traduction automatique que propose Google.

    Ayant un site traduit grâce à cet outil, j'aurais mauvaises grâce à critiquer un système qui me permet d'être compris (en partie) par mes visiteurs.

    Les termes techniques, spécifiques, trop métaphoriques sont évidemment torturés jusqu'à perdre leur sens initial.

    Rien ne remplacera un traducteur véritable ayant une double culture.
    Mais bon quel autre moyen ?

    Avec un peu de patience on arrive à comprendre le sens général : une ferme quel boulot !

    Je t'embrasse au nom de tous.


  2. Il faut afficher l'original du message pour comprendre, sinon c'est la traduction de la traduction...

  3. Oui, Bruno, tu as bien compris le sens general! Boulout!! Mais quel plaisir, aussi. Merci beaucoup de tes pensées.


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